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San Juan De Dios Educational Foundation, Inc. Where faith and reason are expressed in Charity

Research Office

Institutional Research Office

The Institutional Reseach Committee is a unit under the Office of Research, Innovations and Quality Assurance (RIQA). It is responsible for implementing the research program of the College and monitoring and evaluating its implementation. The main function of the committee is to coordinate the research activities of the difference colleges/units of the College. It operates at the institutional level as a coordinating and deliberating body to implement the direction of all research programs and activities of the institution.



  1. Formulate research agenda, recommend policies and standards for research;
  2. Determine rules for the planning, implementation and evluation of research programs including budget allocation;
  3. Coordinate, assist and monitor research programs and implementation;
  4. Train and provide assistance to faculty and staff members in research proposal and research report presentation;
  5. Implement programs and activities that will strengthen researh capability of faculty, staff and students;
  6. Monitor the progress of approved and on-going research from implementation to utilization;
  7. Create programs and activities related to authorship and publication of journals, manual, books and textbooks; and
  8. Establish collaborative and cooperative relationship with other departments of the institution.

Research Committee Composition

A. Collegiate/Departmental Research Committee Composition

The Collegiate/Departmental Research Committee is composed of selected faculty from the department and being represented by the appointed Research Coordinator of the College/Department

Members Roles/Responsibilities
Department Head
  • Approves research topics for thesis and other research endeavors/requirement of the students/personnel based on its appropriateness to the research agenda; institutional or departmental.
Research Coordinator
  • Facilitates the conduct of studies/investigations by the faculty and students within the Department, unless otherwise specified.
  • Introduces the format and other research guidelines, updates to the Department.
  • Assists personnel and students in their research need, as applicable.
Research Adviser
  • Supervise students in the conduct of their baccalaureate thesis or course-related researches/studies.
  • Ensure that the student-researchers demonstrate the required knowledge, skills and attitude towards research and its conduct.
  • Exhibit as the role model for research.
  • Aids the student in analyzing data/information gathered using appropriate statistical tools for quantitative researches;
  • Help the student-researcher in developing the narrative of their research paper in terms of content and organization, among others.
  • Recommends how to best improve the presentation of the study and its findings.
Research Faculty
  • Ensure that the research theory and practice are learned by the students.
  • May act as researcg adviser, when needed.

B. Research Ethics Committee

Another equally important committee in Research is the Committee on Ethics. Primal of the members' responsibility is the "determination" whether the study to be conducted is "ethically and morally sound" based on he SJDCian and Vincential perspectives

For student researches, this Committee shall be composed of three or five members, headed by the Department Head, Ethics Review Board Representative, and the RIQA Director/Representative, the Student Formation Coordinator Discipline and the CVF/RE Director/Representative.

Should the committee be composed of three members only, this must be composed of the Department Head, RIQA Director and the CVF/RE Director/Representative.

For employees' researches, the Ethics Committee shall be composed of at least 3-5 members. Headed by the Ethics Review Board Representative, it will include the Department Head, the Director of the CVF/RE Department/Representative, the Faculty Club President (if faculty is the researcher) or the NTP Club President (if NTP is the researcher), and the RIQA Director.

If the committee will only be composed of three members, it will still be headed by the Ethics Review Board Representative, joined by the RIQA Director and the President of either the Faculty of the NTP Club/Association President.

A certification shall be issued by the Committee as to the ethical and moral soundness of the study to be conducted. This is a paper requirement that needs to be complied with by the student researchers before proceeding with the actual conduct of study. Hence, this is a thesis/research project requirement.

To be issued of a certificate, a copy of the study proposal documents shall be submitted to the committee for review.